Thursday, October 21, 2004

Should I or should I not?

I so want to go for an internship, not because I want to be a free slave but rather I want to apply the things I learnt or at least immerse myself in some of the work that I forsee myself possibly going into in the near future (read: 2-3 years time).

Sigh, the curse of feeling inadequacy strikes again, now all the what ifs keep on popping up in my head.

*Must think positive, must think positive, must think positive...."

1 comment:

kAiTiE said...

Wat my sch dean advise me is go for ur internship when u feel u are fully prepared for the job on hand.
Cuz some seniors they go there with half bucket of water & quitted the job halfway thru the semester..

Bad reputation for the sch; bad records on ur transcript..

Be prepared for it & dun regret. U have my moral support senior...