Saturday, October 16, 2004

Great party and strange conversation

Just got back from Circular Quay and oh boy, last night's party was one of the bestest I ever had, not least because I had the least duty and also because of the ability to let loose. Heh. More on that later if I feel like it.

After the party, went to the only 24 hour restaurant in Circular Quay for supper/brekkie. On the way there in a cab, was strangely engaged in a conversation that I never thought I would have with the taxi driver, not especially after a dance party at 3 am.

He was talking to me about the benefits of the bi-lingual policy in Singapore and advocates the view that the Chinese people are impressed with the results and are adopting the same mindsets with regards to the policies in China; apparently he thinks its the half democracy system in Singapore that also makes it palatable for the Chinese to adopt instead of the Western model, Americana example exemplar.

Oh man indeed.

Gotta Zzzzzzz...laterz people.

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