Thursday, August 26, 2004

Binge eating

Today is one of those days again that for some unconcious reason that I start to reach out for food and eat indiscriminately. Sigh. It is probably because I missed breakfast and a very good reason for that was that I was still laying underneath the thick covers. Which incidentally I felt rather stuffy, rather curious during winter isn't it?

Actually it feels more like spring now than anything but the sun still sets rather early. Oh well.

Coming back to the food, my main meals today consists of kripy kreme donuts, assorted, and
two packets of indomee aka mee goreng(non spicy) for lunch and some left over pasta (non cream based) for dinner. Plus two-three cups of kopi-O (with 2 teaspoons of raw sugar everytime). Now I wonder whether I am on a sugar high or what...and I absolutely have very little protein intake today. How's that for a healthy diet for a bloody sports director...haha. (Lameass).


One mid semester is coming up soon...week 7. Jia you.

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