Friday, May 06, 2005

The weather

Have been unseasonably warm for an autumn but I like it. Nice cool breezy balmy weather. Makes the mood feels lighter even though the days are shorter.

Our moods are like the seasons too. :)

A few other friends recently picked up blogging too. Nice, Too bad I don't know how to link them and probably shouldn't too judging from the stupidity that have been occuring of recent with the rest of the Singapore linked blogosphere. Besides, I wish to hide away to a corner away from the glare, heh, not that this space would have anything saucy enough for bloodthirsty modernised neanderthals.

Our burdens are like the bags we carry daily to school to work to wherever we go. We never ever really put them down, we only change the bags that they are carried in.

Assignments are nearing. Asses have to be kicked at, namely mine.

So Khai, unfortunately you won't be reading any stuff here that are worthy of a nice gossip, cos I have not been doing much with regards to salacious activities. :p


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