Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Overdue update...

It's been a long while since my last update however going to keep this brief.

Just came back from Maroubra beach trying to catch some meteor showers that is suppose to happen tonight and apparently the best time to catch it is between 2 am to 4 am but my friend from Singapore have to go back to rest for a 8am trip up to Blue Mountains. He just drove back and I guess I'll pop my head out in a while after a shower and short internet surfing to see if I could catch any more.

Am very glad that this friend of mine actually turned up here in Sydney, after 2.5 years here in Australia and having one good friend back from Singapore here for a short reunion is quite worth the wait I say. His wish made at the shooting stars is to be a millionaire by next year, well, a very lofty aim but I wish him well and among all my other friends I know, he is one of the better equiped ones to be a rich bastard.

Academic results were the pits this semester, failed one subject and had a pass conceded for a core. I shall stop attempting to make resolutions this coming new year...quite a bummer everytime I do so anyway.

To top it off, been sending off at least a couple of good friends at the airport recently...bleah return train ticket from the airport costs a hefty $15.10 each time...sigh...holes holes holes in pocket man..but what to do, I like my friends.

Well, then, hopefully all goes well for everyone else for Christmas and New Year!

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