Thursday, September 08, 2005

AGM 2005

The agm was over a couple of hours ago. Just can't help thinking we could have done it much more properly and organised. Blame it on my pedantic need to get things done right. Why organise something where we do it the SAF way: rush to wait wait to rush.
No one else seemed to know what to do and the one who should look more presidential was happy to wait. Fine. I am just another kancheong spider that will be blown away in the wiind.

And surprisingly there was some politicking going on in the presidential elections, since I was expecting just a straight fight between the two contestants without any other third parties.

But guess I was wrong. But the right person did get elected and so shall it be.

The pacing of the agm didn't feel very comfortable and there is the perennial sydromne where people leave after voting for the president.

Fact of life: nobody gives a shit about the rest of the supporting committee.

Fact of life number 2: it's also the very well connected people that gets to high places. I am pretty sure hard work and effort is a factor in success as well but how much of it also depends on the aforementioned.

Now to await the dreaded awards.

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